Demonstration of the DrainUpGrader

Demonstration of the DrainUpGrader in Kumasi with machine builder SAYeTECH

The final demonstration of the DrainUpGrader took place in Ghana on 21-23 November. In the weeks prior to the final demonstration, there was good contact with local machine builder SAYeTECH who built the DrainUpGrader.

SAYeTECH also set up a pilot location for testing the DrainUpGrader. Many interested people were present during the final demonstration, as well as a delegation from TVET, the training institute for practical training in Ghana (through the collaboration with the Achmea Foundation).

The end result of the final demonstration is an affordable erosion-resistant drain in which the excavated soil is used as the base material for the drains. Currently, we are discussing with Richard Yeboah (Director MDF West Africa, Orange Corners) and SAYeTECH the next steps for further commercialization.


Assembling the first DrainUpGrader prototype