Designing and building the DrainUpGrader prototype
Development of the DrainUpGrader is in full swing! Building on previous designs, the DrainUpGrader has reached its next iteration. This design is promising in such a way that it will be used to develop a prototype for 1:2 scale model testing.
This new design was first theorised over a brainstorm session, during which the results of all previous tests were compiled and analysed. This resulted in an idea for a design that is not only more efficient, but more practical to use as well. A quick sketch was drafted, which resulted as input to make a 3D model. This 3D model allowed for discussion on the manufacturability of a prototype.
After approval, the 3D model was deconstructed into 2D surfaces which were then sent to a steel cutting plant. We are now in the process of building the 1:2 scale prototype, which will be used for larger scale testing. We can’t wait to show you the finished product. Stay tuned to find out about the results!